Heating systems of increased safety and efficiency are important not only for private houses or industrial enterprises, the design of heating of schools, hospitals and other administrative buildings is also important. Sometimes the situation is complicated by the lack of central heating systems from utility boilers. Sometimes the construction of an entire boiler house, which occupies a decent part of the adjacent site, or the allocation of a separate room inside the building are very inconvenient and costly options.
What to do if there are no large vacant areas around the building and there are no premises provided for the installation of boilers inside?
Specialists of the company Buran Boiler represent a universal solution to this problem. A convenient, reliable and efficient option is to place a separate automatic boiler near your building. Buran Factory Boiler manufactures External Installation Boilers (HFCs) capable of heating an area from 3,000 m2 to 13,000 m2. This line of boilers is an economical solution for enterprises whose adjoining area cannot accommodate a separate boiler room. The mobility of the boiler is the key to its convenience, you can easily choose the optimal place for installation, depending on the particular construction of the building, the appointment of free sites and other factors. KVU is ideal for buildings with an existing gas supply system, there is a need to remove a potentially dangerous source of heat supply outside the building and even from an extension. At the same time there is no need for design and additional approvals.
The boiler is manufactured according to the highest international ISO standards. Protected by insulating waterproof casing, KVU is equipped with everything you need, including a burner, a circular pump, an expansion tank, shut-off valves, automatic security systems and controls. The design of the boiler is aimed at ensuring maximum efficiency, sustainability and safety. KVU does not require permanent personnel on duty, the main work processes are automated, human participation requires only start-up procedures, reagent replenishment and control. Periodic maintenance of HLC is provided by one employee who has access to such work and has been trained and certified.
External Installation Boiler is an economical option suitable for heating buildings with a limited area of the adjacent plot, kindergartens, schools, dormitories, medical institutions and others. By purchasing KVU from the official manufacturer Buran Boiler or a network of our dealers, the owner receives a full package of necessary documents and warranty service by highly qualified specialists.

Дополнено: 2019-04-30
Buran Boiler