Each owner of their own living space thinks about the onset of cold weather and choosing the right heating system for the house. For today, the various offers enticing with a low price and numerous promises often turn out to be an empty investment with zero and sometimes negative payback.
What boilers can be a win-win option for your investment?
Buran Boiler Plant presents a new range of safe heating - wall gas boilers of the brand Cronos WB series. A wide range allows you to choose a heating boiler with parameters suitable for you, with a heated area from 160 m2 to 470 m2. The wall-mounted boilers Buran Boiler were demonstrated at the Aquatherm -2019 exhibition in Moscow and are modern domestic products that meet the highest international quality standards ISO. A long service life along with unconditional economy and high efficiency (efficiency) are key qualities that make it possible to trust the heating and comfort in your home to the Boran Boiler boilers.
The boiler is double-circuit, which allows using it also for hot water supply. A closed combustion chamber minimizes contamination and makes equipment maintenance easier. Automated boiler control system with the presence of the "Smart Home" mode is easy to configure, without unnecessary loss of time. Active sensors used to monitor temperature, gas pressure and other indicators start or suspend the operation of the boiler, further increasing fuel economy. Classic white design fits easily into the home interior, demonstrating accuracy and sophistication of choice.
! The wall-mounted boiler has a multi-stage security system (12 levels of protection) to prevent defrosting, overheating, or damage to equipment in emergency situations.
So, before buying a boiler, you need to determine the power required for your room. Dual-circuit boilers allow you to use them for hot water (hot water). Remember that our high-quality ISO boiler is a long-term profitable investment, with a lifetime of at least 10 years, and an automatic system facilitates operation and seasonal maintenance.
When you purchase a boiler from Buran Boiler LLP manufacturing plant or an authorized dealer, you get a safe boiler equipment that guarantees warmth, comfort and comfort of your home.

Дополнено: 2019-04-30
Buran Boiler